
Penguins Decorating A Christmas Tree Jigsaw Puzzle

I found this in Random Puzzles and began to wonder what a pandemic Christmas will be like.

We can't get real trees here. DH usually loves to put up the tree but this year he took a dislike to our shabby little artificial treelet, and refused. Need to buy him a new one next year.

Orinoco we stopped using real trees a few years ago. Got a used one that was in great shape but now it is too big and the lights are starting to go out so I guess we will be getting a new one. Why can't you get real trees? I quit buying real ones because it is such a waste to get a real one. Be safe all.

I don't put up a tree. It's too much work and we don't have enough room or a high enough ceiling for a "proper" tree. I did an artificial one for years that had to have each branch pushed into holes in the center pole. I got tired of the dust and being scratched by the artificial needles. Many years b4 they came out with prelit assembled trees I had made one that was tabletop sized. I still have it and used to put that up. Now I lack a place for that also.

I put my little artificial tree up each year in my front window. Stays decorated. Put it on top of my freezer in garage to store it. My cats never bother it. They sit or lay around it.

What good cats. When I did put up a tree my cats would try to eat the tinsel and it would hang out both ends of them. Needless to say the tinsel had to go. Now I have no cats either.

You must have really well-behaved cats. My daughter's cats have already caused the demise of several branches and ornaments. Another reason I don't have cats!!

I have not even put my tree up yet. It is still in the shed. Hopefully, I can get it out this weekend. We had 2 feet of snow yesterday and last night and now our furnace blower went. It is a bad day!! I still have to get my school work done today, somehow. Thank God Friday is the last day, Hope you are all safe and warm. Have a blessed day.

I only saw real trees here one Christmas in about 1992, when Lidl first opened in my area. I think people don't want them because women here are so houseproud, they don't want to deal with sweeping up the dead needles etc. I haven't seen a real Christmas tree for sale since then.

I love real Christmas trees. We put one up every year and decorate it with ornaments that we've collected over the years that our children made, from trips we've taken and ornament gifts from friends. The star that we put on top of the tree was on my Christmas trees when I grew up. Our most special ornament is a cobalt blue, solid glass ball that was on my mother's tree as she grew up. I fight the reality that, one day, we will probably have to get an artificial tree as I'm getting a little older and my hubby's MS prevents him from helping decorate the tree. Maybe I can just get a real, table-sized tree instead of an artificial one. MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL!

Haven't put my tree up yet either, not sure if I'm going to. We need a new tree and really can't afford one right now, but we will still have Christmas. Oh Mamag what a time for heater problems, saying a small prayer for your schooling. As I told you before you will get your school work and tests done and do a good job, I just know it. All of you be safe.

Orinoco, where do you live? No real trees? Love my artificial one--just the size for me and it fits in my front window--where one of the cats usually sleep, but they sleep around the tree when it's there.

I had a wall hanging of green yarn woven into the shape of a tree with dowels for horizontal support. All I had to do was unroll it with some ornaments and a string of lights already attached. At the end of the season I'd just roll the whole thing up. No needles, watering, or getting poked by artificial branches.

That sounds very pretty abacii...and practical too.
It's also a lot safer than real trees. Somebody always has a fire around the holidays. You have to be so careful to keep them waterd and make sure all the wiring on your lights is good.

Wow! What a wonderful solution to the "tree problem". ;-) Would love to see a picture of your tree.

Elijah, I live in S. Spain. I guess conifers just aren't really a thing here. Most people put up a manger scene, which I have, but they go all out and create the village of Bethlehem. There's street market in the centre of town every year that sells incredibly detailed stuff--animals, "gardens", different people doing different jobs (butcher, baker, tinker, potter, laundress etc), buildings, even ponds and streams! All to different scales. Mine is just the basic nativity, figures about 4 in high but you can go up to nearly life-size if you have the money. I saw an incredibly realistic elephant at the market yesterday, about 16 in high, with his mahout standing next to him holding his chain. Each figure that size and that detailed runs up in the hundreds.

That street market sounds interesting. I just have my table tree in the front window and 2 wreaths on the front of the house with spotlights. Used to decorate more, but it's just me and 3 cats so have really down-scaled.

That awful shooting at the Strabourg France Christmas market makes me afraid to go to things like that. Please be careful. Shopping at a market like that must be such a joy instead of the mad crush of the malls here.

Stolle: I'm sorry I can't send a picture of the yarn tree. My ex got it in the divorce. It was an isosceles triangle with the base about 3' wide and the height about 4' tall. We used it where a full tree couldn't fit (my son's dorm room) or we didn't have time to decorate or undecorate.

Abacii: I think I can picture it. I myself use a small table tree, plastic, as a real thing would be too big for my small apartement. And also I don't like the cleaning up afterwards...

Not put tree up yet
got to find a place to put it
I put my little artificial tree up each year
Stays decorated store in a closet

My tree also stays decorated and I store it on top of my freezer in the garage.

Pixipixil, street markets can be a crush too, it's just like a mall only with no roof on it. Reduced space, lot of people, takes half an hour to walk the main corridor because there are so many people you have to pause every step or three.

Oh, that's disappointing. Well at least it's good for business. I don't like being in the cold or crowds so I guess it's not for me. Seems so quaint and romantic. I don't even go carolling. D id it once and that was enough.

Pretty but needs lights and tinsel

Fun Christmas tree puzzle.

We got a beautiful surprise this morning. There was fog last night and a frost, so we got beautiful hoarfrost on all the trees and bushes. Our year looks like a fairy land! Great puzzle! Blessings to all.

Getting ready to go to AAA to argue car insurance rates.
Loved doing this puzzle.

I like the information about this puzzle
don't know when or if we will get a tree up
we are still doing repairs from Florence

Penguins Decorating A Christmas Tree Jigsaw Puzzle


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